Epignosis is a young company focusing exclusively on accomplishing the transformation of individuals and organizations using behavioural and soft skills knowledge, training, coaching and counselling. We focus on attitudinal shifts and prefer the “converse with” approach and not the “talk down to” style of interaction. We believe that true attitudinal shifts come from the need to be heard and valued, coupled with deep, non-judgmental listening. Indeed, one of our core strengths is Listening. To that end, we work quickly to create a context of trust and comfort, so that our participants are at ease expressing and explaining themselves, and we are that much more able to solve their needs.

Epignosis adheres to the R I C E Model

People already have the necessary skills and knowledge available to make change possible. It is just a matter of gentle and timely course correction.
Focusing on future and common ground gets more results than focusing on problems and can’t dos.
We work with people and not against them.